Staying and Playing from Home

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Nelson Mandela

By Cara Yochai, PT, DPT

March 2020 

It’s been a while since we’ve updated our blog but this seemed a better time than ever. Around the world, many of us are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we work from home, our children are playing and learning from home. This is a whole new normal to transition to. 

We’ve seen some amazing creativity around the world and we wanted to share some ideas for you to reference as you try to think of activities to keep busy. 

Firstly, do what works best for you and your lifestyle. For some, that means adhering to a rigid schedule. For others, that means setting just one or two goals to achieve by the end of the day. It is important to take breaks to move as necessary. When we are moving around normally, there are frequent periods of movement. For our kids, this might mean traveling between different classes. Don’t forget to take these “movement breaks” at home as well. 

Movement break ideas:

  1. Jumping Jacks: Do as many jumping jacks as the hour of the day! (9am=9 jacks)

  2. Spell out the alphabet with your body or use your arms and legs to spell out the alphabet in the air 

At home activities: 

  1. Matching games: Pick a color or a letter and ask your child to identify items around the house that are the same color or start with the same letter 

  2. Arts: Now is the time to use those arts activities like beading, painting, and coloring. It’s also a great time to practice a musical instrument, sing to some karaoke on youtube, or maybe write out a story or song that can be performed later in the day. 

  3. Kids Yoga: We shared a post previously and this can be a great activity the entire family can enjoy together for a mid-day break. 

  4. Baking/Cooking: Now is the time to have your child help as sous chef in the kitchen. Identify tasks that your child can assist with and make meal prep an activity that everyone can participate in. 

Share some of your best and favorite stay at home activities and we will share them! 

Stay safe and be well.